Billing & Collections

Inbound Back Office "plugs into" your existing team to augment your capabilities and expand your resources at a fraction of the cost of hiring new people. We provide assistance so you can focus your time on sales, strategy, client services, and building your business.

If you're tired of dealing with invoicing clients and chasing down payments, turn your billing and collections tasks over to our team. We will send your invoices on a regular schedule based on your process in addition to staying on top of overdue payments. We will contact your clients to gently but firmly make sure invoices don't stay overdue for long, leaving you free to focus on more important tasks.


Our billing team can help with general invoicing using standard software so you can focus your time on other areas of your business.


Don't want to deal with collection calls and payment status monitoring? Let our team help! We can take those collection calls off your plate so you can rest assured invoices are getting paid while you focus on other things. 

Want to learn more? Schedule a call to learn how our team can help!

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